Sunday, January 6, 2008

Thursday/Friday, Jan 5th,6th

As the Chargers close out a win vs the Titans in the rain down the street, it's a great time to reflect on the weekend. Thursday I returned home from work and met my Sister Mary and her husband Matt, in town from San Fran. Matt and I made a run to the local store for some Irish Whiskey and wine, always a great way to start the evening. I was reluctant to leave since the Islanders were in the second period vs Florida, but, to be a great host I went along.

Once home, the whiskey was opened and the Isles were on the big screen, though, with the company I did not focus on the game as much as usual. Whiskey and wine comsumption continued as the Isles lost in OT on a floating slapper from the point. Dipietro usually gets that one, but, I am buzzed, so, whatever.

My girlfriend Blanca and my sister Mary are upstairs chatting so Matt and I continue with the wine and whiskey. Finally the girls are downstairs and we are off to eat, walking up the street to PF Changs. The food was awesome, more wine was imbibed, plus a post meal scotch. I have vague recollections of the meal but we made it home, not before Mary screamed at the site of a dead possum on the sidewalk.

Friday morning the rain was here, a little tired from the day before so I move very little until Matt gets me a burrito. I think we watched a boring bowl game but the sports schedule was light, so, we go to dinner, drink some wine, return home and watch the Oilers-Bills playoff game from 1993, the Bills comeback from a 35-3 defecit, great game, forgot about Haywood Jeffires and his weird name spelling, they called him Jeffries, but spelled it Jeffires, you figure it out. Frank Reich is the qb for the Bills, he was not very good later as a Jet.

Jimmy Kimmel has Ice Cube on, none of us has ever seen him interviewed, dude is funny. At 3 am it is time to sleep as the whiskey and wine are gone.